Accounts and Budgets

Budget documents relating to the 2024-2025 budget year are listed here. NOTE: The documents below are proposals only.

Proposal Highlights

Appropriations Resolution

Property Tax Resolution

Non-profit Organization Appropriation Resolution

Proposed Operations by Fund

General Fund 101

Courthouse Jail Maintenance Fund 112

Law Library Fund 114

Public Libraries Fund 115

Solid Waste Sanitation Fund 116

Industrial Economic Development Fund 119

Opioid Special Revenue Fund 121

Drug Control Fund 122

ARPA Special Revenue Fund 127

Federal Drug Fund 128

Highway Department Fund 131

General Purpose School Fund 141

Education Federal Projects Fund 142

Central Cafeteria Fund 143

General Debt Service Fund 151

Education Debt Service Fund 156

General Capital Projects Fund 171

Highway Capital Projects Fund 176

Education Capital Projects Fund 177